
 Miley Cyrus on Justin Bieber:   Graham: So the real Justin Bieber was calling you at three o’clockin the morning? Miley: Yeah, and I thought, I was like yelling cause I thought it was some that got cause number gets out, so, I changed my number and he kept pranking me and I really did believe it was like a kid or something. So, I was like “I can’t really yell cause I think it’s a kid but I’m not really sure”. So, finally I was like “It’s three o’clock in the morning!” and he was like “HA-HA-HA IT’S BIEBER, CALL ME BACK” and I was like “Oh my gosh, i’m gonna hurt this kid”.
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iamy0urfatherr:  yes i’m ugly i don’t care this is for that stupid anon and there is my tumblr ;)


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